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HomeRiding Guidelines

Suggestions for a Safe and Enjoyable Ride


  • Ride Levels
  • Purpose and Guiding Principles
  • Behavior, Courtesy and Respecting the Rights of Others
  • Ride Practices
  • Dealing with Mechanical Problems and Emergencies
  • Food and Clothing
  • Aero Bars
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Role of the Ride Leader
  • Limitation of Liability

Ride Levels

 23-25 MPH 
 20-22 MPH 
 18-21 MPH 
 16-18 MPH  

14-16 MPH

Purpose and Guiding Principles

These suggestions for a safe and enjoyable ride summarize the expected behavior for participants in all BRBC club rides.  They do not apply to races since club rides are not races.

Behavior, Courtesy and Respecting the Rights of Others

We recognize that the public judges all bike riders by our actions and behavior and that cycling’s reputation with the non-riding public is at stake.  We understand that our conduct is an example to others - for better or worse.  Therefore we …

  • Encourage riders to project a good public image and encourage responsible riding.
  • Exhibit considerate behavior towards other riders, pedestrians, motorists and the public showing respect, courtesy, responsibility and due regard for the rights of others.
  • Avoid confrontations and report incidents to the police as appropriate.
  • Avoid language that is obscene, insulting or threatening, even when provoked.

The BRBC neither encourages nor condones any disregard for traffic laws.  Such actions may endanger or injure yourself and others and can lead to possible civil and criminal actions by third parties and law enforcement authorities.

Ride Practices

  • Ride at a steady pace, accelerating and decelerating smoothly.
  • Warn before braking or slowing.  Use hand and verbal signals to identify approaching hazards.  Alert riders to upcoming turns, road hazards, pedestrians, cars, potholes, etc.
  • Be aware of cars and riders behind you, along side of you and in front of you.
  • Ride assertively anticipating hazards and taking the space you need on the road to avoid them.
  • Allow enough time for the entire group to negotiate obstacles and intersections.
  • If the group inadvertently becomes split (usually due to an obstacle or intersection), riders in the forward group should slow down or find a safe place to stop and reform the group.
  • Check after intersections to assure no one behind you was caught by a light.
  • Wait for the last rider in the group unless the rider has requested to be left behind or an agreement made with everyone’s consent that the group will not wait for dropped riders.
  • Passing vehicles on the right is always dangerous and should be avoided with the possible exceptions of when passing a car that is turning left and/or when vehicular traffic is completely stopped in a traffic jam.  Even then, be sure to pass carefully giving the vehicles ample clearance.
  • Abide by traffic signals (red and yellow lights) and be very cautious at stop signs, yield signs, etc.
  • Overtake slower bikes on the left side giving ample clearance and warning when passing.
  • Do not overlap the front wheel of your bicycle with the rear wheel of another bicycle.
  • Maintain a safe gap from the rider in front of you. 
  • Avoid being “doored”.  Be alert to stopped and parked cars.  Look for drivers inside a car, making positive contact with them (eye contact) and be ABSOLUTELY sure they actually see you.
  • Do not ride closer than one car length behind a moving motor vehicle and never hold on to one (i.e. no slip streaming)
  • Don’t leave the group without notifying other riders and the ride leader.
  • If you are not confident of finishing the ride, let the ride leader know.  When that happens during a ride, you may either drop back to another slower group or someone may accompany you back separate from the group.  If you have mechanical problems, someone will assist with repairs, call for assistance, etc.
  • Ride in single file pacelines most of the time staying within 5 feet of each other whenever safe.  Ride no more than two abreast at other times unless passing another rider.
  • Pacelines longer than 15 riders may be unmanageable under certain road and traffic conditions.  When necessary, divide into group of 15 or less.
  •  Earbuds are not allowed on club rides as they are forbidden by law.

Dealing with Mechanical Problems and Emergencies

  • Stop and offer assistance in the event of mechanical breakdown by a BRBC member or fellow cyclist.
  • Rider’s tool kits should include: Pump or other means of inflating tires; Spare inner tubes; Tube repair kit; Tire levers; Wrenches and tools appropriate to your bike; Cell phone; Personal ID; Medical Information; List of Emergency Contacts (phone numbers, names and relationship); Medical insurance IDs, etc.

Food and Clothing

  • Helmets are mandatory
  • Assure your bike is properly equipped and maintained.
  • At night use bright or reflective clothing, equipment and lights.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared for changes in the weather (rain, wind, etc.)
  • Rides include rest stops; however, you should carry enough drinks and food to get you thru the ride.

Aero Bars

  • Only riders of the highest skill and training levels should use aero bars.  If mounted on your bike, they need not be removed for BRBC rides; however, we recommend they not be used during those rides.

Child Protection Policy

  • A parent must accompany riders under 18 years of age and Special Liability Releases may be required.
  • Children under 18 years of age are not permitted on regular weekly club rides.  However, certain special “family” events such as the Tour of Boca and Frank Stark rides may allow younger participants.

Role of the Ride Leader
  • To represent the BRBC a number of FBA certified ride marshalls help ensure rides are conducted in a safe and well organized fashion.  BRBC members should enthusiastically support them.
  • To welcome new riders, explain procedures and describe the route, distance and speed.  They assure the group stays together, assure assistance with mechanical problems during the ride, assure medical treatment for injured riders etc.
  • To lead by example and advocate safe riding practices; educate ride participants in the Suggestions for Safe and Enjoyable Riding and encourage compliance.

Limitation of Liability

  • The BRBC is not responsible for errors and omissions in this document or for injuries or damage caused or incurred by riders because of these guidelines or during club related rides.
  • BRBC members must sign a liability release in favor of the BRBC when they join the club or renew their memberships.
  • Non-members participating in club sponsored rides must similarly sign liability releases.